solar power costs in India

Reducing solar power costs in India will not only boost the sector but also help the country’s overall development. The country is continuously working toward making itself, energy independent. Worldwide too, businesses are readily adopting green energy, particularly solar energy. After all, the need for solar power is applicable across all industries.

Effect on other sectors

The significant decrease in the solar power costs in India has given the industry a huge boost and made it a viable option across the country. Solar contributes significantly to critical sectors like power, health, and agriculture. It also contributes generously toward sustainable development, job creation, emission reduction, and technological innovations.

Upgraded technology

Technological advancement signals a further reduction of solar power costs in India. According to a study by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi, and US-based think-tank Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), the solar power generation cost is expected to drop to INR 1.9 per unit over the next decade through 2030 in India. (1)

Technical improvements are also expected to enhance the sector’s productivity. ‘Monocrystalline’ technology has already become mainstream since it promotes higher efficiency. The future is expected to witness the ‘heterojunction cell’ technology, which successfully captures more wavelengths. Improvement in power storage technologies will also help reduce the cost of storage from INR 13.6 per kWh to INR 6.34 per kWh in the next decade. The cost of standalone storage is expected to dip from around INR 29.0 kWh to INR 11.9 per kWh in the same period. (1)

India: Consolidating its position

India already enjoys the status of the lowest-cost producer of solar power – a recent analysis by The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) revealed that the costs of setting up solar PV panels had reduced by about 80% between 2010 and 2018. This boom in the industry will be a testament to the favourable policies and focused approach of the Indian government, as well as the positive responses from solar developers across the country. This lowered solar power costs in India, along with the country’s aggressive energy installation target of 175 GW by 2022, will open up enormous investment opportunities in this sector.

Nimbus Solar: Contributing to the growth story

As one of the industry’s top players, Nimbus Solar Solutions has been an active contributor to the Solar Revolution in the country and aims to reduce solar power costs in India. Keeping the customer as the fulcrum of all its activities, the company boasts an empowered workforce driven by passion and purpose. Denoting the values of trust, reliability, and tremendous experience in the sector, Nimbus Solar strives to help India become a global leader in solar energy. It is committed to delivering world-class services and products across all businesses. With strong financial relationships and in-depth knowledge regarding tax implications, Nimbus Solar ensures that every investor receives the maximum return from their solar power investment.

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